Frequently Asked Questions

Alot of questions get asked repeatedly, so in order to address these questions fully and provide more information for you, I have establisehd this list of frequently asked questions.  If this doesn't answer your question, by all means please e-mail me.

Q.  Do you have information on (so-and-so)?

A.  No. All the records I have available to me concerning alumni is on the homepage. Nor do I have additional phone numbers or addresses. If you are trying to contact someone, you may try contacting the Alumni Association. Also, check here often, as on average I get two or three new e-mail addresses a week.

Q.  Why doesn't the page list teachers?

A.  Because I only have the e-mail address of one teacher, who is already an alumae.  If I receive a couple of more addresses, I will make a seperate page for teachers

Q.  Is there a way to contact the school by e-mail?

A. No,  but they do now have a website which is linked from the homepage

Q.  Why is my name spelled wrong, or (insert random error here).

A.  Everything that is on the homepage is essentially entered by hand.  I occasionally make mistakes in transfering your e-mail address to HTML code.  Also, I occasionally misplace e-mails and sometimes people spell there names/e-mails wrong on the submission form. The most annoying problem is that people's e-mail addresses sometimes get deleted once they are on the page.  This is an unfortunate problem that is a result of my having multiple copies of files around my computer and on the server.  Because of this, a newer file is sometimes overwritten by an older one.  I apologize for any inconvenience, but after all, I'm not getting paid here. :-)  Please check once in a while to make sure everything is right, and if it isn't, drop me an e-mail.  

Q.  Why haven't there been any new pictures up in ages??

A.  I haven't had time to scan in new ones.  If you have pictures that would like to see here, you can scan them yourself and attach them to an e-mail, or you can e-mail me for my snail mail address. If you send them to me, I'll scan them and send them back pronto.

Q.  Do I have to join the alumni association to continue to use this website?

A.  No. This site is meant to be a free service of the NWCAA, and is available to all alumni, regardless of your status in the association.  I do ask, however, that you at least consider joining the association, and that you do not become annoyed if I occasionally send e-mails or regularly put signs on the website advertising the assocation.

If this hasn't aswered all your questions, please send me an e-mail.

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