Reading Questions
Plato - The Apology

1. What accusations do Socrates' "first" accusers make against him?
2. According to Socrates, what did he do to bring on such accusations?
3. Why does Socrates believe he is wiser than some people who are renowned for their wisdom?
4. According to Socrates, how did he get a reputation for corrupting the young?
5. What accusations do Socrates' "later" accusers make against him?
6. What point is Socrates trying to make by talking about the horse-breeders?
7. How does Socrates try to defend himself against the charge that he corrupts the young?
8. How does Socrates try to defend himself against the charge that he does not believe in the gods?
9. How does Socrates respond to being in danger of death?
10. If the jury had been willing to acquit Socrates on the condition that he stop practicing philosophy Socrates says that he would not have agreed to this condition. Why?
11. What does Socrates mean by saying that he is like a gadfly to the city of Athens?'
12. What reasons does Socrates give for his not participating in politics?
13. What penalty does Socrates at first suggest for himself?  Why?
14. Why does Socrates not suggest that he be exiled?
15. What does Socrates mean when he talks about his "divine sign"?