
There are many ... there are many different systems of Isshinryu taught here in the United States as well as on Okinawa. They are alike at the very core, i.e. they are all based on persons/individuals views and understanding as they interpreted them from Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei.

This is a fact and it is all good simply because the spirit of Isshinryu which is the spirit of intent from Tatsuo says it should be "your own." He always changed things as his practice progressed and I believe he meant for all of us to do the same.

He may have alluded to the need to wait, practice diligently, for about fifteen years before taking that step and this would go along with what I perceive as necessary to adopting it to the uniqueness of the individual. You just can't take a few classes and expect to have the knowledge and experience to adjust the system to your particular practice and training.

We argue constantly as to who is correct in their teachings but in reality Tatsuo may have meant for all of us to make Isshinryu our own. I have and I now accept fully that others will practice/teach it differently and that is good cause all bottles are good for they all serve a purpose.

I am not going to say what someone else is doing is either right or wrong unless it deals with some historical fact but as to the Isshinryu system and its practice, well, "All bottles are good, they all serve a purpose." So said Tatsuo!