
Survival; avoidance; knowledge of criminal strategies/tactics; knowledge of the laws concerning self defense; if unavoidable then close quickly, unbalance, disable the attacker. To become a part of me that I use exclusively for self protection, that is a basic or fundamental of the system.

Those actions taken to disable the attacker. The strategy will dictate the types of tactics used at a fundamental level while the actual attack, i.e. monkey dance vs. surprise violence, will further dictate actions taken. Fundamental tactics are also the basics of the system.

If you teach or if you practice for self protection make this, self protection using your strategy and tactics, primary, and a priority, with emphasis on due diligence and appropriate time and effort; anything else is a roadmap to failure where it results in injury or death along with all the mental anguish that comes with fighting. Plan out your objectives and goals up front, plan out the tactics/steps you need to take to get there, now, stick to the plan and remain on the path and you will succeed.

Remember, all defensive tactics/techniques should be universal, i.e. have the ability to be used regardless of the attack. Remember some of our techniques work fine in the monkey dance but may not be useful in self defense of violent attacks (Note: My opinion).

The best self-defense against any type of attack or confrontation be it verbal or physical is "avoidance!" We must assume the responsibility for ourselves and our students/practitioners to provide them the proper guidance in focusing on what to "see" or "hear" or "feel" BEFORE we enter into any situation that will result in conflict.