Chemists for Peace Poetry

I went to work in Hildebrand
Came to do chemistry on demand
But it was really just part of my plan
I am a patient man
Soon it will be impossible to disband

This group so interested in energy
We are creating a synergy
With others who oppose the placation
Of the petrolium organization
We are built on priciples older than metallurgy

We are not availible for lease,
Soon you'll get the press release,
The end is in sight
Come be part of the fight
Join Chemists for Peace.

--by Martin Mulvihill, 2005
All Living Beings

For those who fought
It was an endless war
For those who died
And left their families poor
Those foolish souls
Fighting for a useless cause
Their patriotic duties
Killing for government laws
If I had been there
If I had seen
That I could bear
If I had been
For the young and old
They took their youth
Bloodied and buried
Never found the truth
They took away all
Until nothing was left
The earth was robbed
By an atomic theft
If I had been there
If I had seen
That I could bear
If I had been
It is of our need
For life itself
Our only survival
Peace not wealth
For we can live
Without their useless crap
Live for each other
Not their military trap
Avoid the pain!!!
avoid the hate!!!
Work together,
To end this fate!!!
--Writen by a member of the original Chemists for Peace
and performed by the band Atrocity, 1983.

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