

Here you need to specify: just the name of the tps file

scaling: put T (for true) if you want to scale all your coordinates with the scaling factor or F for false if you don't (the scaling factors will be present in the tps files only if you calibrated your pictures in TPSdig)

scale.val: put T if you want to keep the scaling factor in a vector within the array or put F if you don't

picture: put T if you want to keep the picture numbers in a vector within the array or put F if you don't

image.lab: put T if you want to keep the image label in a vector within the array as it is in the tps file or put F if you don't. This input change from the previous because picture will just keep the picture number while image.lab will keep the entire label of the picture (including the extantion).

random: put T if you want to de-randomize the tps file (if the file was previously randomized) or put F if you do not need to de-randomize it

curve: put T if you want to add the curves coordinates be stacked after the landmark coordinates and therefore become landmarks. They are put in the same order as they are digitized.

Comments: put T if you want to save any comments you might have registered in the tps file. Put F if you do not want to save them.