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Websites that describe my research projects

Regulated Unproductive Splicing and Translation (RUST)
Evaluation of Sequence Comparison Methods


Hillman RT, Green RE, Brenner SE
An unappreciated role for RNA surveillance
Genome Biology 5:R8 2004 [pdf]

Green RE, Lewis BP, Hillman RT, Blanchette M, Lareau LF, Garnett AT, Rio DC, Brenner SE
Widespread predicted nonsense-mediated mRNA decay of alternatively-spliced transcripts of human normal and disease genes
Bioinformatics Suppl 1:I118-I121 Jul 19 2003 [pdf]

Lewis BP, Green RE, Brenner SE
Evidence for the widespread coupling of alternative splicing and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in humans
PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 100(1): 189-92 JAN 7 2003 [pdf]

Green RE, Brenner SE
Bootstrapping and normalization for enhanced evaluations of pairwise sequence comparison
P IEEE 90 (12): 1834-1847 DEC 2002 [pdf]

Mougous JD, Green RE, Williams SJ, Brenner SE, Bertozzi CR
Sulfotransferases and sulfatases in mycobacteria
CHEM BIOL 9 (7): 767-776 JUL 2002 [pdf]

Yu XX, Du XX, Moreno CS, Green RE, Orgris E, Feng Q, Chou L, McQuoid MJ, Pallas DC
Methylation of the protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit is essential for association of B alpha regulatory subunit but not SG2NA, striatin, or polyomavirus middle tumor antigen
MOL BIOL CELL 12 (1): 185-199 JAN 2001 [pdf]

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