I'd like to have a car

(especially one of these)

I'd love to have a Volvo 850R wagon--Yakimized to the teeth. Don't laugh, this is one mean mutha. Now they call it the V70 or T5, I forget... The point is: What other family vehicle do you know of can haul ass from a stop light to 60mph in under 7 seconds?

One of America's fastest sedan (drops the 850R above a full second!)...A M3 Yakimized to no end wouldn't be too shabby either.

Of course, an RX-7 would be fun to have, too.

I have a

This is *the* most fun to drive vehicle I have driven (other than a kart)
I waited 4 years before buying an ITR, I went through a '90 CRX Si and an '99 Integra GS-R...
Most of the time I ride a 600RR to get around.
Yes, I do have a thing for Hondas.

The Audi A4 1.8T is another pimp vehicle, just plain smart...
(5 speed manual, Quattro, of course...)
But now they have the S4, that's the hot stepper from Audi...

Or, a MR2 would be pretty hip, too bad you can't Yakimize it...

But as a dream car, I'd want an NSX.
...and after about 10 years of waiting, I bought one.
The best things in life sometimes do come to those that wait...

Why don't you come closer? You can even come inside....
