Things Overheard at CalSO

"...and a double major in American Studies...."

"What's a CEC (and/or variable unit)?"

"Please pick up your milk and cookies."

"Anyone here from Canada?"


"Based on my experience..."

"Goodbye diversity training."

"I am not a pimp (mack daddy, or any variation thereof)."

"You can have my CEC anytime."

"How would you like me to be part of your first year experience?"

"If there are any media moguls..."

"Best damn band in the land."


"It's not me."

"I need a man."

"See the website."

"I don't think they had a co-fac meeting."

"That's jacked up."

"What the feezy?"

"I'm over it."


"No clumping!"

"He/She was a tank."

"Would you like to see my course control number?"

"I put this on my eval, but..."




"That is off."

"You complete me."



"Anyone down for a fiesta tonight?"

"How YOU doin'?"

"Yo, that's dope, man."

"You know what? Just bring it."

"What time are we supposed to be down there by?"

"Who's boldfacing this segment?"

"Are we going to teach them the time warp now?"

"I bring all of myself to this."

"You're number one on my waiting list."

"Who has the freshmen seminar list?"

"Please move to the center of each row... there's no cooties anymore." (or any variations of it)

"Hello! And Welcome to Moviefone!"

"I'm gonna open a can of Jet Li on their ass."

"Ooh, uh uh."

"That's whack."

"Counselors, please pick up your option signs."

"Hey counselors! Go...!"

"Oh well, my life goes on."

"You always do that!"

"You're fat."
"You're short."

"Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."

"You got your ID, you've registered for classes, you're all now officially Cal students."

"So you go to the top of the river and what do you see?  Ren pushing people off the bridge, JUST because they're taller than him..."

"I heard that Howard is a stud now...(as opposed to before)"

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