September 15, 2004

AIM Profile Export 1

So AdiumX (A Mac OSX AOL Instant Messenger Client) lets me put stuff into my profile, even though it's past the 1024 character limit for a profile. But periodically it yells at me. Normally I'd just clear it out to a file or something and possibly lose it.

Now I can stuff it here.....

How to get your Econobox into the 14's (or How to make a 2001 Nissan Sentra do a quarter mile 1 second short of a Porsche 911..... for free.)

"If My Driving Sucks, please call *ASS"

Poor, poor kitty. I'll dedicate my next "Mechanical Critter" in Warcraft III in honor of the cat.

Clipped from a slashdot post:
Re:Others | (Score:1) by usotsuki (530037) on Wednesday August 27, @02:53PM (#6807653) (
"Niwa ni wa, ni-wa niwatori ga imasu"

In (ni wa) the yard (niwa) there are two (ni-wa) chickens (niwatori) :D


And inspiration for all the EECS girls who haven't graduated yet (or found a job):

And for all the Transformer fans out there:

Great, so now they tell me my email is like a drug?
NYTimes Archived Article(Might not be accessable anymore)

Clipped from a Slashdot post:
Piracy is such a harsh word | (Score:5, Funny) by scubacuda (411898) on Friday May 30, @11:13AM (#6077007) (
I prefer to call it
(hand over one eye)

Build a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.

From the NT days: "You are running on NT. How far can you go today?"

Posted by hachu at September 15, 2004 08:52 PM
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