October 31, 2004

Ooh, I won a small raffle!

On Friday I went to the Xilinx Programmable World 2004 developer conference. Basically it's a large marketing/education thing that Xilinx and several companies put together to show off their new wares and also teach you how to use some of it for stuff that might be useful in whatever you might be working on at work. There were 4 tracks, DSP, Connectivity, Logic, and Processors, I think.

I attended the Processor talks. Some of the stuff was interesting, like the demo where they showed how much of an improvement it is to implement IDCT on hardware and access it. Some of it was less interesting, like using Linux on the FPGA to deal with 50 serial ports.

Well, at the end of the tracks, there's a raffle for people who submitted the speaker evals and I won the first one. They handed me first a breathalyzer (which apparently uses one of their chips) then a bottle of wine as my prize. Wine is kinda strange for a engineer conference I guess, but still kinda cool. The other two prizes were copies of a book written by a Xilinx employee.

wine bottle

It's a Geyser Peak 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon.

Posted by hachu at October 31, 2004 01:35 AM
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