November 02, 2004

CrystalGuard and TDK

I recently found an article talking about TDK Japan making a new coating for CDs/DVDs and LCDs that is "scratch-proof." Reading the article, they claim that it's a fluorine/silica based resin. Kinda like epoxy. Kinda like that the description of that CrystalGuard stuff I saw at the G35 meet a few months back, which was described as a fluorine/glass resin imported from Japan. And considering glass and silica are pretty much the same thing, sounds pretty similar to me.

On the other hand, I didn't see the CrystalGuard guy let people take steel wool up to rub the car on display. But then again a CD is cheaper than a Lambo.

Posted by hachu at November 2, 2004 02:03 PM
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