November 19, 2004

Keep it real!

So my little sister Grace calls me and asks "does a company know if you're not really interested in joining?" She's about to graduate as some sort of business major from Purdue and she's been running around trying to decide which job to take and then also interviewing at some other places.

At the moment, she's also accepted a job at BearingPoint. So anyways, she's asking me about this since she just went to Accenture for a job interview, and noted that everybody she saw there who was representing the company was kinda stupid. Plus, another one of her friends was also there for an interview and they were kinda commenting on how stupid many of the candidates were.

Well anyways, in the end, she didn't get an offer and wanted to ask me why. It went something like this:

G: Yeah, so do you think companies know if you're not interested?
H: Well... kinda depends on how you act in front of them. If you act interested, they think you're interested. If you act like you don't care, then they probably don't want to even bother. Makes sense right?
G: Well, so yeah, I went to Accenture for an interview, and they didn't give me an offer. But yeah, the people who were presenting were kinda stupid. Like this girl who's powerpoint didn't really match up. And this guy sitting next to me with his eyes all darting around like he's afraid of being watched or something. There was this girl who was a pompous ass next to me too....
H: Heh heh, you were stuck between a paranoia guy and some guy who's a pompous ass. So did you act interested or not?
G: The pompous ass was a girl. Well, I was trying....but the place sucked so much I probably wouldn't want to work there even if they gave me an offer.....
H: Daniel (next door neighbor who used to work for Accenture) coulda told you that.....
G: I know, but I just kinda wanted to see.....
H: Ego boost?
G: Well.....kinda.....
H: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You went all the way to a crappy company to interview just to look at how shitty it is, talk with your friends about how stupid the people are, and now your sad cuz you didn't get an offer?
G: .......well.........yeah.... come on....
H: No wonder! You went for all the wrong reasons. You're not going to get the offer cuz you're obviously not there to look for one. Dude, keep it real.

Anyways, the conversation ended shortly after, but that was pretty amusing. Congradulations, Grace, on getting what sounds like a pretty good job (BearingPoint), but don't feel bad if you spent the rest of your time messing with people and they don't seem to like you for it. :)

Posted by hachu at November 19, 2004 01:53 PM

your sister is hot

Posted by: rog at November 25, 2004 10:55 AM

my sister says you're cute

Posted by: hachu at December 24, 2004 02:30 PM
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