December 15, 2004

If you can't pick a good target, why bother?

Some bastard broke the left rear window on our Toyota Camry and opened the glove compartment, center console compartment, and the trunk. I think this all happened during the hour I went out shopping with my mom.

What did they steal? Some insurance and repair documentation, the manuals, maybe a pair of sunglasses (my mom says she can't find a pair), maybe some oil filters (I don't remember if there were any), and who knows what. All I know is that I came home to see the trunk partly open and a window broken.

What did they leave behind? The stock stereo, all the coins and money (over $5 I think) in the compartments, the chinese audio tapes, a small bracelet hanging on the stereo, a couple of visors/hats, and a used air filter. There were no packages, CDs, or gadgets to begin with.

Of all the targets they could have picked, they went for a car that has almost nothing of value anywhere in the car, that's about to be junked because the transmission is failing, sitting in a neighborhood where there are so many more better outfitted cars parked on the street.

In the end, the only things I could imagine them doing with whatever they took is wearing an old pair of my mom's sunglasses, trying insurance fraud on a car that wasn't moving and shows no collision damage, and maybe stand a chance of getting an expired credit card number.


Posted by hachu at December 15, 2004 02:47 PM
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