February 15, 2005


There's a circular window next to the desk that my computer sits on. Outside the window is a wooden fence and a brick fence right next to each other.

On some evenings, a neighborhood cat perches on the taller wooden fence and stares at me as I type. It also might be the same cat I've seen resting on the coarse welcome mat on the front door in past years. But where it came from, I don't know. What it's thinking as it sits there staring at me, I don't know.

Maybe it's hungry and waiting for the bird that used to try to fly into my house through that window. (Unsuccessful as the window can't open.)

Maybe it's training to be a guard cat by surveying the area for hostiles.

Maybe it's trying to be creative. Like making poetry or something.

I tried taking a picture a few days ago, but it didn't turn out well because of bad lighting. I'll try again another day.

Posted by hachu at February 15, 2005 04:41 PM
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