February 22, 2005

Ooh... shiny!

While driving along 237 today, I saw a Lotus Elise. Don't know how much it costs, but I thought it was supposed to be fairly rare around here? It also appears to have no license plate, so I'm guessing it's new. I wish I could take a picture but I was driving and couldn't get my camera out on time. And then shortly after, I saw another one on Castro St. in Mountain View. This time in yellow instead of burgundy. They're multiplying.

And on a different note, I saw one of those people who stand outside and wave signs around along El Camino Real. Except instead of apartments, he's advertising computer repair. And he's wearing one of those silver mock spacesuits/bunnysuits like you'd see in a cheesy Backstreet Boys video or the old Intel Bunny people ads. I think I'd feel kinda embarassed doing something like that.

Posted by hachu at February 22, 2005 11:32 PM

Hey, my other friend who just quit his job and is traveling around the world for a year... he's using this same type of blog interface... where do you guys get it from?

Oh yeah, i like the design on top... makes it look like molecular structures.

ja ne!

Posted by: Anna at February 24, 2005 05:31 AM

Oh, it's called Movable Type. They call it the "personal publishing system" or something formal-sounding like that. I'm using it cuz the OCF had instructions for setting it up, and I don't like xanga. :P

And the hex structures are something I made. It's supposed to look kinda techie yet simplistic. I kinda got the idea off some scene in the anime GeneShaft. Glad you like it :)

Posted by: hachu at March 1, 2005 09:35 PM
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