March 02, 2005

Tahoe -> SD?

I was going to post this earlier but forgot.

This past weekend, I went to Tahoe with Karen, Crystal, Mai, Eric, Noah, and April. We took two cars since we had a bit of miscommunication about how long we were staying in Tahoe.

The snow was pretty good at kirkwood and some of us were going pretty fast down the black slopes. I tried to see if I could work on turns in the valleys so that I might be able to do half-pipes later. In the valleys, we tended to drop the gatorade bottles in the snow when we wiped out so it was also pretty fun going back up to see if we could pick up the bottles the next time down. Reminds me of those swimming pool games where you try to pick up the rings.

On the way back, after we decided to go home after 1 day of boarding, we started driving home. Mai flew up that weekend from San Diego to go to Tahoe with us. Somehow in the conversation going on in the car we got to the topic of San Diego when all of us sudden, something like this happens (paraphrased and hopefully attributed to the correct people since I obviously have no record of exactly what went on):

Eric: "Hey, so, uh you guys want to just drive down to San Diego?"
Karen (I think): "you mean like right now?"
Mai: "Yeah! You all can stay over at my place and we'll go to the beach or something."
Me: "Not a bad idea....but what do we do about the snowboards on my car?"
Crystal: "But I only got one change of underwear!"
Karen: "And I gotta go do work tomorrow(Sunday)!"
Me: ".... ahem, snowboards in San Diego? Oh, I need more clothes too. Isn't this also going to be really long drive?"
Mai: "Clothes? We'll just go shopping or something. Or you can borrow mine and you can borrow my dad's..."
Karen: "But my work!"
Eric: "You can sign on from down there."
Me: "I still can't tell if you guys are serious."
Eric: "Come on, okay, I programmed it into my gps, it say we'll make it down there at 2am."
Karen: "Oh all right."

<5 minutes of silence>

Me: "Are we actually going to San Diego?"
Eric: "Yes."

<20 more minutes of silence except for us trying to sing to Madonna>

Karen: "I'm going to have to be an adult and say that I ought to go work."
Me: "Hey, was I supposed to take that exit?"
Eric: "No, that route's probably got traffic. Come on, how often do you get to do a spontanious road trip like this?"
Karen: "Yes, you want to take that exit!
Me: "Eric, the gps thing also said to take that exit."
Eric: "Uh lemme see..."
Me: "So, where are we now?"
Eric: "We're on the way to LA!"
Karen: "Nooooo! Quick take that exit!"

After a U-turn and some more discussion and driving (and a lot of sing-a-longs to Crystal's music) we end up back in South Bay. Maybe we'll pack more clothes next time.....

Posted by hachu at March 2, 2005 08:30 PM

Doh! Missed opportunity!

What a cool story though.

Posted by: lisa at March 6, 2005 06:22 PM
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