March 25, 2005

IT and Amazon

For those who haven't seen the Amazon item link already:
Does it run DNF?

I forgot to post the following earlier this week. Maha and Bert and maybe a few other people already heard about it.

So IS&T raided my cube monday. Like, 3 or 4 of them came and stood outside my cube like cops looking very displeased/angry/perturbed.

I was doing some research last week regarding Netboot, PXE, and how to make computers wipe themselves on my own little cluster in my cube. When I was finished, I disabled all the services I thought were relevant, and hooked my subnet back onto the corporate network.

Well, apparently I forgot to turn off some of the other services like Netboot itself (perhaps because I thought it depended on some other stuff I disabled), and my computer was hijacking all their Netboot connections. Yeah, so whatever servers and clients they were trying to fix or bring up decided to come to my cube and bow down to me. :P IS&T wasn't pleased at all.

After I quickly fixed the problem, they were about to leave when another person in my group tapped one of them to ask about why her vpn isn't working. Juan was like "uh...uh......I dunno" and his buddies said "see ya, Juan!" and quickly dashed off.

Anyhow, the entire company now apparently knows about it. And my team's quite amused. And I didn't get fired.

This also isn't the first time that I've gotten in trouble with IS&T; when I first started as a contractor almost 2 years ago, I was downloading all the apps I needed to do work in parallel. Juan and another of the guys came over and wanted to know why I was using an ungodly amount of bandwidth since it was sucking out the entire companies' allocation. He apparently didn't like my ghetto IP-over-Firewire setup that I was using to get AIM to work on my laptop because they were taking too long to get me wireless...

Anyhow, I wonder what I should do for my next bi-annual IS&T "prank"? DDOS attack from the SQA cluster? :) Just kidding.....

Posted by hachu at March 25, 2005 12:13 PM
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