May 26, 2005

Computer Weirdness

So at work, I open up a bunch of applications and they've been running for days on end. I always do this. I have 1gb ram. It's nice to have 3 web browsers, a mail client, an aim client, 3 text editors, 8 terminals, and a smattering of other tools open.

And so today, as I was doing a diff, I dragged the huge window to the top of the screen only to hear some squeaking noise come out of the speaker. At first I thought it might have been a notification, but I listen closely and it sounds looped.

I turn up the volume only to hear what sounds like a remix of hamster dance.

W. T. F.

You heard me. Hamster dance. Or something that sounds like it since I can't understand a word it's saying. Is it an easter egg of sorts? Not in FileMerge (most recently launched app) as far as I can tell.

My coworkers come over to hear what the commotion is about. I show them. In the process, I find out it's doing that not only for dragging the window to the top, but whenever I click on anything from the top left corner to about half my screen and maybe an inch down. I'd say 640x200. And with lsof and activity monitor, I don't see anything that seems to point to some practical joke program somebody might have snuck on my computer.

Anyhow, after quitting half my apps, it still happens. And while I was reading some web pages, it all of a sudden stopped. The only thing that has changed was I closed a window with in it.

A messed up banner ad mixed with a Camino bug perhaps? The size is right. And Camino always eats cpu power. Maybe that's it. I'll never know.

Posted by hachu at May 26, 2005 06:09 PM
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