July 07, 2005

And there was light.....

Heck yeah! I woke up this morning to find that my right eye is less swollen today! Which means I can see! Sorta. My left eye's still pretty bad.

Wednesday totally sucked cuz both my eyes were swollen to the point that I couldn't see anything. Most likely an eye infection or something. Tuesday and before, it was mainly my right eye swollen. So assuming my left is following my right, I might be able to see in a relatively normal manner tomorrow.

Since I couldn't use the computer until now, I'll drop this one off too:

Tuesday evening, I went to the doctor to get my bandages off. When I got home, I looked in the mirror and saw what was under the bandages for the first time. My reaction?

"WTF HAPPENED TO MY FOREHEAD? HOW COME NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT THAT ONE! IT'S HUGE! How did THAT happen? I thought it was just my eyebrow!? Holy shit, I look like... like... dammit, I don't know what I look like!"

Before going to sleep, Mom asked if I wanted to take a picture. I declined. Knowing I look like a prop from Resident Evil sucks enough.

Posted by hachu at July 7, 2005 09:37 PM

you totally want your own pitysex.jpg!!! it'll bring hours of entertainment in the future. trust me on that one.

Posted by: nick at July 8, 2005 03:42 PM

i agree with nick

Posted by: rog at July 9, 2005 12:17 AM

You guys don't think I have enough injury pictures already?

Posted by: hachu at July 10, 2005 04:15 PM

awww.. poor hansel

Posted by: Anna at July 15, 2005 08:47 AM
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