September 22, 2005

House stuff

All that talk about New Orleans rebuilding and stuff like that, coupled with discovering the Home & Garden TV network's web page has got me looking for stuff I want when I build my ultimate house. Or if the next big earthquake happens.

One thing I want is that my bathroom be easy to clean. It's the place that ends up all gross and stuff when you don't clean it. And after having to be the guy who handled the bathrooms in both the apartments I lived in at Cal, dude, I want to just go in there with a pressure sweeper, spray it all down, and take a nap.

OMVIVO has some nice sinks. I like that. Especially the flat washplane style one where it's basically just a wedge. If I need to soak something, I'll just get a tub and fill it. And if I do go ahead with the "flush the bathroom" idea, there's nothing to damage on the sink. Not to mention if stuff is growing in the pipes, I can easily connect something to pressure flush the drain.

Bathroom vent. Supposedly this one's really quiet. Like so quiet, they needed to add a light to tell you when it's on.

And solar shingles. Shingles for the roof that are all solar panels.
The website's not working right now, but according to HGTV, it looks like a shingle, but cuts your power bills down.

Posted by hachu at September 22, 2005 06:25 PM
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