September 28, 2005


So, the Japanese seem to have this thing about making complex emoticons and all sorts of ascii art. While reading up on Densha Otoko, a Japanese drama that every geek must watch, a guy posted a link to a page with variations on the OTL man.

And for those who are too lazy to read it, this one is just cool:

○| ̄L=3

Oh, and Densha Otoko (The Train Man) is a "based on a true story" drama about this anime addicted geek (otaku) who has a really shitty day and somehow rescues a hot woman (erumesu-san) from a drunk old guy(ojiisan) on a train. The rest of the story is about how he tries to get with her with the help of bunch of random people on the "singles rant forum" on a message board (kejiban). Get the first episode here. Subtitles are mentioned in the first post. It's 11 episodes long. [though I think episode 5 was crappy] If you don't like the first episode, download the second. If you still don't like it, you suck.

Posted by hachu at September 28, 2005 09:22 PM

otaku wish-fulfillment fantasy? sounds like megatokyo =P

Posted by: spiffymoon at October 1, 2005 03:43 PM

ooooh, I found your blog! :) and another way to procrastinate my projects...

Posted by: Jenn at October 2, 2005 10:53 AM

I suck

Posted by: rog at October 2, 2005 09:38 PM
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