January 01, 2006

Las Vegas

(Late entry so I forgot some stuff)
I went to Vegas after Christmas with my college apartment-mates, my sister, and her college roommate. A few things didn't go quite as planned, but it was still fun.

The curse of apt10 continues apparently in some degree as Roger broke his collarbone at the beginning of the month. (snowboarding)

We were originally planning on going clubbing on the first and second night. But on the first night, the traffic was too much for the people driving from LA, so they arrived 3 hours later than expected. The second night, the cover for Pure was $25, and the line was huge and mostly guys.

A couple of us went to see Cirque de Soleil's Mystere, which I thought was pretty good. I kinda liked the music the most though. On the other hand, Roger and Grace both didn't like it. Oh, and dinner right before that didn't sit so well.

And finally, a lot of the food advertised for the Bellagio's holiday buffet didn't turn out so well. I mean, like kobe beef just can't be done right in a buffet without too much work.

Much of the trip involved shopping, eating, and drinking. I bought a black Kenneth Cole shirt and a pair of black A|X jeans. We did go to Coyote Ugly to hang out for a while the evening before flying out. Very crowded. Would have been nicer with more girls.

Posted by hachu at January 1, 2006 07:40 PM

it was fun hanging out with you, hansel, and making you buy those jeans. shanghai will be better

Posted by: rog at January 2, 2006 10:47 PM
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