January 09, 2006

Apple MacWorld Rumors

Because I work for a subsidiary of Apple and happen to own a decent number of Apple products, every year when MacWorld comes around, my friends ask me about what's about to be announced. And as usual, I have no idea whatsoever. But I give some pretty good reasons to shoot down specific other rumors that sites are posting based on what I think can happen.

With the big expectation this year about Intel Macs, there seems to be much less of "what do you think is coming out" and more of "which mac do you think will get replaced first" and "should I wait and buy it?"

Well folks, it's about time I do a little rumor speculation of my own.

To answer the quick questions:
1) Wait and see what comes out. I have no idea.
2) If you buy the new Intel based mac, be warned that first generation designs often times suck and have bugs. Buy it if you want to be cutting edge. Don't buy it if you want time-tested tech.
3) iMacs/iBooks/Minis are getting iNtel first.
4) No they will not be run everything faster than the Power Mac and Powerbook.

Now, what do I think is could be getting announced? In order of probability:
1) Highest probability is a iBook using a Intel chip. It won't be bigger than 14 inches for a display. It won't be super high resolution.
2) More TV shows make it onto the music store.
3) iLife 06 will feature neat integration features and updates as usual.
4) Xserves go dual core.
5) Apple buys Motorola's Cellular division and merges it in with the iPod group.
6) Apple buys Palm and merges it in with the iPod group.
7) Apple buys Cingular and merges it in with the iPod group.
8) Apple revives the Newton group and merges it in with the iPod group.
9) Apple teams up with Sony to produce the ultimate Camera/MP3/PDA-phone.
10) "Oh, and one more thing, that Intel shift was just to get you all to use Xcode. We're not really going to switch everything to Intel. Surprise! And we now bring you quad core G6s Powerbooks. From some russian dudes who happen to just jump into the PPC market....yesterday."
11) A two button mouse is released. With two real buttons located where every other mouse has them.
12) An iPod with bluetooth earphones and wifi.

Posted by hachu at January 9, 2006 01:47 PM

And I was so banking on "Newton returns!"

Posted by: hachu at January 11, 2006 01:17 PM
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