February 07, 2006

5 Odd Habits

Tagged by EJ

1) SARS and Bird Flu doesn't scare me. Turning into a Mad Hatter does. I'm OCD about elemental contamination because of the amount of lead, mercury, and random chemicals exist in my garage from solder work. Anything that touches anything that touches anything that contains toxic metals is considered dirty and I'm compelled to wipe it with a damp towel. It drives me nuts not really knowing whether or not I feel like I'm going nuts from a stupid habit sprung from reading warning labels as a kid or if I really have excessive exposure to toxic metals.

2) When really tired and still going out with friends and I have to drive people home, I drink alcohol moderately and early on to preparing for driving home. While it sounds counterintuitive, I found that my body processes alcohol pretty well as long as I put in a reasonable amount. If done right, I'll be buzzed during the event, by the end of the night I'll be both completely sober and wired at the same time.

3) I can't study anything without a distraction. I've tried going to a library or locking myself up in a room with just lecture notes and a book but I always fall asleep no matter what time of day and what condition I'm in. Background music helps, AIM helps, even a periodic stress relieving session of Unreal Tournament helps. Trying to study with absolute focus? Narcolepsy.

4) I think I would have been a great surgeon. I mean, check out what I can do when I don't worry about killing a lifeform? The problem? I'm somewhat empathic in that whenever I'm dealing with cutting into something that was alive, that I get the feeling that I know exactly what it would feel like even if the thing's not alive anymore. Realizing that kinda sucked when I was doing dissections in high school bio. And believe me, with all the crazy sports injuries and medical history, I can imaging quite vividly what stuff like knee surgery or whatever feels like. Doing the cadaver projects in med school would probably cause me to go insane. On the other hand, if I mess up with electronics, I have no issues ripping wires out and starting over.

5) I have a habit of tossing things into recycling whenever possible. The idea that something which has lost it's current usefulness would be useful elsewhere appeals to the inner treehugger in me. Hence the wierd energy-saving design research for when I build my dream house.

Posted by hachu at February 7, 2006 06:35 PM
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