June 10, 2006

Car fix-ups

I decided to try again at fixing the sunglass holder lid in the driver-side door of my Acura. The hinge cracked and so I need to glue the piece back on. The first time around, I tried super glue and some other spray on glue and it didn't work so I set it aside until today.

This time around, I'm tried some more unique glues. I took apart the door and pulled the well out and then proceeded to glue it together using plastic fuser glue. When putting it back together, one flip and the lid fell off again. So I tried it again with epoxy rated for 2 tons. And failed. Glue just isn't going to work.

Breaking out my ghetto engineering genius, I drilled two holes alongside the piece and stuck in a twisty tie and pulled it tight so the round part is now held on by the force of a twisty tie. Put it all back together, and it seems to work great! I probably just saved myself like $50.

On the other hand, my Infiniti's 30k maintenence cost me $900. wtf.
They said that my front brakes had 1mm left and the back had 3mm left. According to the papers, they replaced the brakes for free? At $900, there shoulda been enough profit in there to give me a new set of tires.

Posted by hachu at June 10, 2006 05:17 PM
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