October 06, 2006

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Sometimes it's really bothersome when the female population can't make up their minds.

You can get grilled for doing something nice and thoughtful, because one doesn't seem to like it because they feel confident enough in doing it by themselves.
You can get grilled for doing something nice and thoughtful again, because another one doesn't seem to like it and thinks you're shady for suggesting it.
You can get politely declined for doing something nice and thoughtful again, because yet another one doesn't like it.... and grilled cuz you simply don't learn.

What happens next?

You learn, and you get grilled for not doing it cuz the next one says "all girls like it when you do that."

What am I talking about?

Walking a girl to their car after a social gathering.

Posted by hachu at October 6, 2006 11:19 AM
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