January 17, 2007


Many people have heard me talk about the popcorn machine at work. Cuz it's like the only cool thing we have for free, when other people are talking about free snacks, drinks, etc.

Sometime last month, they renovated the central kitchenette.....

And they removed the popcorn machine.

The good news is they put a new one in.
The bad news is that it's tiny. It's like 75% of the old one's size. The kettle has this weird handle that is hard to use. And you know, it's like, wtf? Where'd the old one go? *sigh* This one sucks.

I don't think they'll let me make kimchee popcorn or tobasco popcorn on it cuz it's all shiny and clean still.

*sniff* A moment of silence for the good old popcorn machine.

Posted by hachu at January 17, 2007 04:37 PM
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