June 11, 2008


So as I take the turn to the Tamian Caltrain station this morning, a bird flies low across the front of my car. Both the bird and I were going too fast so it wasn't possible to avoid a collision. Being much much heavier than the bird, my car didn't flinch at all. I saw some feathers fly up from the side.

After parking, I got out and looked at my bumper and there appears to be a small dead bird stuck in the far right of my bumper. :(

Not sure how I'm going to get it out, but I'll have to deal with it later.

Posted by hachu at June 11, 2008 09:04 AM

Poor bird. :( I guess with those flight patterns it was bound to happen sometime, though, huh?

Posted by: lisa at June 11, 2008 11:46 PM

at least the bird ate it from a good car. it would have been vain were it a pt cruiser.

Posted by: rog at June 12, 2008 10:41 PM
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