May 21, 2009

Computer Names

As I sit here waiting for my work computer to finish copying stuff from my temporary drive to my new hard drive (drive failure yesterday), I realize I need to change the name again cuz it doesn't fit anymore. I think Rawr will fit.

A few computer names I recall I've used from the past:
Decker - a term from Shadowrun games talking about a guy who runs around on networks. Reasonable name for my old Powerbook especially cuz I did IT/netadmin work with it back then.
Scrapheap -a PC built from old discarded parts
Fountain - a mac that was to include a fountain as part of its water cooling system; didn't finish the project
Intensified Luck Soldier - term from The Vision of Escaflowne, a mac built from another scrap heap's worth of parts, I guess it's lucky that it even worked.
Rubicon - Apple G4 Cube, named after it's production code name.
Mercury - Apple Powerbook Titanium 400, named after it's production code name.
Gazelle - Apple Power Mac 6500, named after production code name.
evilBook - the Macbook Pro that gave me so many problems it's gotta be evil. I blame it on Intel.
fourCoresOfFury - main Mac Pro at work.

Drive names (when it didn't match the computer name):
YoYo - Unreliable drive. It went up. It went down.
Deathstar - IBM Deskstar well known for its problems.
DualWield - The 2 drive RAID Striped array on fourCoresOfFury that died yesterday.
Rawr - The WD Velociraptor that will replace DualWield. Known as the fastest hard drive on the market right now that works on normal computers.

Posted by hachu at 12:08 PM | Comments (0)