
People > My Tribe > Calise : Super law school girl


Gender: Female
Marital Status: Post-married
School: University of Minnesota - Law School
What's she studying: Law
Profession: Part time Bridezilla
Her "Look": Super independant lawyer woman!
Favorite Friday Night Hangout: At home with a book (I suppose)
Favorite ways of hurting people: With her evil stare
Aspirations: To wear the pants in the relationship!
Hobbies: Crafts and sewing and stuff. How domestic.

Calise is very smart and pretty. That's why everyone wants her. You know, there was that tall, dorky guy, the soul-in-a-box guy, that fat guy with the holes in his underwear, that guy didn't wear underwear (sometimes), that guy who was that friend of that other guy, Dr. foot fetish guy, that good-looking, dull white guy, and I'm sure other guys I am forgeting. Too bad she's getting married. Which guy did she pick? The right guy. (I hope) And his name is Mr. Calise.