
Stuff: > Movies > Harold and Kumar go to White Castle: Pot pot pot burgers!

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

Date: August 1, 2004
My Rating: Pot humor = really funny
How much I spent: $7.50 (Student Price)

For some unknown reason, I really wanted to see this movie. Maybe it was to support the Asian actors, maybe it was because I am stupid, maybe it was because pot is my favorite non-addicting drug. So I saw it and I liked it. It was pretty much what I thought it would be, trashy, toilet humor with lots of drug talk. I think everyone should see this movie, if not just for the killer Wilson Philps tribute!

Basic Plot:
Harold (John Cho) and Kumar (Kal Penn) get high. Then they get the munchies. Then they see a erotic, porn-like, commercial for White Castle burgers. Then they get high again. Then they get delayed by Doogey Howser. Then they get high. Then they get arrested. Then they get high. Then they ride a cheetah. Then they get high. Then they finally get to White Castle. This movie is just a rollercoaster of fun isn't it?

What I liked about the movie:
- Asian actors!
- Excellent toilet humor (no literally).
- Wilson Philps rulez!
- Butt shots are always nice.
- A good endorsement of pot.
- I've always wanted to know what riding a cheetah was like.
- NPH is such a cool dude.

What I didn't like about the movie:
- That it's over =(

Funny lines (at least what I remember of it!):
Kumar: Just because you're hung like moose, doesn't mean you have to do porn."

Kumar: Congratufuckalations!

Harold: We're high.
kumar: not low.

Wanna know what happened in the movie? Goto the Movie Spoiler.