Subscribing to JAGNES

The Journal of Associated Graduates in Near Eastern Studies (ISSN 1075-6744) is published twice a year in the Winter/Spring and Fall from the Near Eastern Studies department at the University of California, Berkeley.

Subscriptions can be made by filling out the subscription order form linked below and mailing it, along with your payment, to the JAGNES office (address given below). We recommend institutions and individuals pay in yearly installments.

Subscription Order Form (PDF 280KB)

Inquiries concerning subscriptions may be addressed to:

Editors-in-Chief, JAGNES
Department of Near Eastern Studies
250 Barrows Hall #1940
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1940
tel. (510) 642-3757
fax (510) 643-8430

Subscription Rates

Current annual subscription rates are as follows:



U.S. institutions


Non-U.S. institutions


*Please note:
1. Subscription rates include all shipping and handling charges.

2. Payments can be made by cash, check (made payable to JAGNES), or international money order (in US dollars).

3. If payment is not sent with the initial order, an invoice will be sent to the subscriber's billing address with a due date for payment specified.

4. We accept and fully manage subscriptions for institutions through various subscription services such as EBSCO and Blackwell North America, Inc.

5. Address changes or cancellation of subscriptions should be sent to the JAGNES Managing Editors, 250 Barrows Hall #1940, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1940 or emailed to:

Journal Exchange

JAGNES is a proud participant in several journal exchange programs spanning the globe. We encourage any interested institutions or periodicals who wish to engage in this program to contact the managing editors.

Back Issues

Past issues of JAGNES are available for order through the subscription order form (link found above). For table of contents information as well as complete abstracts, please visit the Past Issues page.