Rally Committee

As you probably found out, I'm currently a member of the UC Rally Committee. This is my page where I reflect upon what Rally has meant to me. It's also kinda a place just to reflect on Cal Spirit. Just the kind of person I am.

I wasn't too sure about coming to Cal at first. I had originally wanted to go to Stanfurd or USC (which are two of Cal's three biggest rivals--the other is UCLA.) But the dominos fell in a certain way and I ended up going to Cal. But I wasn't too happy about it. In fact, on the day of a Cal alumni dinner that I was going to, I wore a Stanfurd shirt around town. But at the dinner, I met a bunch of Cal alumni that made it really exciting for me to go to Cal. I never wore that Stanfurd shirt again.

As for joining Rally? I never expected to do it, if you want to know the honest truth. I went to CalSO (Cal Student Orientation) and in a packet I recieved there, I found a flyer for this group called Rally Committee. I remember thinking, This group sounds cool, but I don't think I'll have the time to do it.

The summer flew by and I found myself at Cal. The first week is called Welcome Week and its supposedly to help us freshmen learn our way around Cal. The highlight of the week is what is known as Calapalooza (yes, after the rock concert). At Calapalooza, I went around to the different tables and I found out that Rally was having an informational meeting that night. So I went.

I still wasn't sure about joining Rally, so I figured I'd do a couple events with them and see how it turned out. The first event was Cal Football Fun Fest. Somehow, I got volunteered into helping wrap a thousand hot dogs. Trust me, after you've wrapped one thousand hot dogs and sang the Cal Drinking Song with people, you somehow become comrades and maybe even friends.

I know that sounds really corny, but I count that day as my first as a REAL Rally member. I wasn't just going through the motions; I really belonged. And now I cannot imagine my life at Cal without Rally. Go Bears.

I promised Matt I would link my page to the Rally homepage once it was complete. As soon as that happens, I will put the link both here and on my Go Bears Page .

I kept one of the flyers from Calapalooza. I scanned it so you can get an idea. Just remenmber that the background was supposed to be gold.

A Rally Flyer

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at katster@uclink4.berkeley.edu

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