OCF Help Survey

Please note that this is the TEST version of the survey, and if you fill this out, you will a) be subjected to a mailto, and b) I will ask that you *please* redo the survey when I release the official version. Thank you. -kat

Hi, my name is Katrina Templeton, and I am currently a masters student in the School of Information Management and Systems. One of my projects this semester is to revamp the OCF's help system. I want to make a help system that will be used, so that some of the load can be taken off staff in answering basic questions. In this spirit, I am surveying the users of the OCF to find out what kind of system would best meet their needs. Any information collected here will only be used to help the OCF and complete requirements for my Systems Analysis and Design class, and will not be given or sold to any other third parties.

Thank you very much for your time. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. My address is katster@sims.berkeley.edu (I have an OCF address, but I rarely check it).

First, a bit of demographics:

  1. What is your status?

    Undergraduate Student
    Graduate Student
    Student Group

  2. What major/field of study are you in?

Questions about the help system

  1. Have you, before this survey, ever heard of the OCF help system?


  2. Have you, in the past, attempted to use the current OCF help system?


  3. Have you, in the past, mailed staff@ocf with a question?


  4. If yes, what did you ask about?

  5. Have the staff of the OCF referred you to the current help system?


  6. If the help system were web accessible, would you use it?


  7. What questions would you like answered in the new help system?

  8. Would you like a link to the help system on the desktop or start menus?


About the OCF

  1. What do you like most about the OCF?

  2. What would you change about the OCF?