Susan, aka my mom, was born September 2, 1962. She was the third addition to the Williamson family as well as the last. Although Susan was not born in Fresno, she has lived most of her life here.

Even as a kid, Susan has always been social child. She was friends with all the kids in the neighborhood. Lisa Wemett, Kris Marks, among others are just a couple of the names that have been reiterated to me time and time again throughout my childhood. Even though I do not know either of these women extremely well, I feel like I do through the retelling of my mother’s stories.

Susan is a story teller, whether or not she likes to admit it she has carried her charisma for sharing stories into all aspects of her life. Today she works as a UPS driver, and uses conversation as a means to establish more rooted connections with her customers. Because of this they always look forward to her next visit.

Although she enjoys her job, her most prized possession is her family. My mom has made many sacrifices throughout her life for both my brother and I, and that is because we are her world. I think in a lot of ways our success legitimizes what she is doing and how she has raised us. One of the most important things I have learned from her is the benefits of hard work. Life is not easy but if you are willing to put in the time and effort you will eventually see rewards.