Musical Warfare Blog

I've started an extreme music blog to inflict my musical tastes on others. I'm attempting to post semi-regularly about upcoming albums, shows, merchandise, and anything else interesting I can find. Check it out at

Metal & Progressive Guitar Tablature

All of my guitar tablature will be posted here. It will usually fall into the genres of metal or progressive rock. I also post tabs to, but since it takes them several months to post new tabs to the site, this is the best place to find my work.

Line Of Fire [ Text ] [ Power Tab ]
Relapse [ Text ] [ Power Tab ]

Heaven Shall Burn
Architects of the Apocalypse [ Text ] [ Power Tab ]

Endtime [ Text Format Coming Soon! ] [ Power Tab ]

Artificial Smile [ Text ] [ Power Tab ]
I Turned You Down [ Text ] [ Power Tab ]

Septic Flesh
Succubus Priestess [ Text ] [ Power Tab ]

Send questions,comments etc. to biaiothanatos AT gmail DOT com

Metal Videos

Check out for a bunch of free metal music videos! I personally uploaded a few Candiria music vids, a couple metal drumming videos, and a few others as well.

Music Purchases

This is a list of the music I have bought. It's mainly here for my own personal amusement.

You, the visitor, can look at it if you want. See the sickening amounts of money I have spent on music.

Don't tell me the total $$ I've spent, I don't want to know.

[Music Purchases List]