Growth Requirements


Guava grows best on level ground such as valley flats, but can also be grown on sloping lands up to elevations of 1524 meters which are frost free.


Guava thrives well in an equatorial and tropical type climate and can be found growing at all evevations, from sea level to 1524 meters. Equatorial climate is experienced between 10 degrees N and 10 degrees S of the equator and is characterized by unifor m temperatures of 27-28 degrees C all year round. Rainfall needs to be heavy and evenly distributed throughout the year, with an annual total around 2500 mm. Relative humidity around 80% is needed as well.
Guava can also be grown in the savanna and in sub-arid areas(with proper irrigation)and it is extremely drought tolerant. In fact, it is one one of the most drought tolerant tropical fruits.


Guava does best on deep, friable, well-drained, loamy soils; nevertheless, it can thrive on a wide range of soils of pH levels from 4 to 8.2 with proper fertilization. It can tolerate water-logged conditions and a certain degree of salinity.