
"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away."
                                                      - Eudora Welty

1999 (75 photos in 6 albums)

Other years: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Miscellaneous shots from before 1998: 1993 Michigan; 7th, 9th, and 12th grade class pictures (8 photos)

March and April 1999: senior prom and a trip to Lehman Caves (10 photos)

Fall 1999 - first semester at Berkeley, first SLR (30 photos)

Christmas shots in Berkeley (2 photos)

Christmas in Utah, 1999 (5 photos)

December vacation in Arizona with Dad and JoAnn (20 photos)

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© 2004 Morgan Ames. Please email me for permission before using my photos.