Subject: ACF Newsletter III.6 (long)
Hello to all and welcome to new subscribers in California, Texas, and
Utah.  If you have any questions about the newsletter feel free to e-mail
me directly (  and if you know other people who
wish to subscribe, or you want to be unsubscribed, write directly to me,
rather than the whole list, please.
        The ACF newsletter makes no apologies for the fact that it is a
totally amateurish operation. complete with misspelled words.  The purpose
of the newsletter is to increase communication between quizbowl teams and
to help get out important information, like tournament invitations, buzzer
companies, etc.
This issue contains:
results from BYU Perpetual Motion IV     mini-info on buzzers
             Wichita State FYBO          ACF Regionals Info
             Cardinal Classic            UCLA plans tourney
             Wisconsin Elvis             Berkeley Trash invite
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ACF West Newsletter III.6                   Feb 1997
Gaius Stern editor
   This year, BYU really lived up to its name because participating teams
played a TRIPLE round-robin.  Players were always playing, or moving to
the next room to play.  Particpating schools were Arizona State, BYU,
Berkeley, Colorado, and Utah with an 8 team roster.  Craig Harmon took
over as impromptu TD amid many troubles.  A few teams were forced to drop
out at the last minute, creating unforseen problems for the host, but
Craig managed to keep everything running.  The BYU torunament was run in
conjunction with the Wichita State FYOB because the two schools shared
rounds.  A similar swap occured with Vanderbilt.
   Limited results:
        Berkeley         14-2    lost to BYU 1 and Colo once each)
  Colorado + Freeman     14-2    lost to Berkeley twice
        BYU 1            11-5    lost Berk twice, Colo 3 times
Full results will soon be available at the BYU website,
   For the 2nd year in a row, Oklahoma has won the Wichita State
tournament.  This year the Freeze-Your-Buzz-Off was held with ACF format
and double round-robin play of seven teams, the results were
                                W       L
Oklahoma Evita                  12      0
Washington U.-St. Louis         9       3 (win tiebreaker over Missouri)
Missouri                        9       3
Oklahoma Juan                   5       7 (win tiebreaker over Quincy)
Quincy                          5       7
Garden City McDonald            2       10
Garden City Baca                0       12
The tournament also featured an individual tournament known as "The Thumbs
on Ice Buzzer Revue."  The results of this competition:
1st place:      Eric Bell, Oklahoma Evita
2nd place:      Louis Gill, Oklahoma Evita
3rd place:      Conan DeWitt, Missouri
4th place:      Matt Constantino, Oklahoma Juan
Other finalists:Stephen Gill, Oklahoma Juan
                Emily Moore, Oklahoma Evita
                David Murphy, Oklahoma Evita
                Emily Orr, Missouri
The individual scoring results:
Name            Team            Games   Tossups Interrupts      Average
Eric Bell       OU Evita        12      85      18              63.33
Conan DeWitt    Missouri        12      48      8               36.67
Brian Ulrich    Quincy          12      45      16              30.83
Stephen Gill    OU Juan         12      36      6               27.50
Peter Steffen   Washington      10      29      4               27.00
    This year's Cardinal Classic did not run as well as last year.  Often
rounds starting late.  Part of the problem was that the rounds were not
xeroxed in advance.  There were also some questions with wrong answers and
some duplicates.  Some rounds arrived too late for Stanford to edit.
    Round-robin results:
Berkeley A       14-0
Vanderbilt       13-1
UC Davis         11-3
UCLA             12-4   (each school was 1-1 within this tie, UCLA
BYU              12-4         alone beat UC Davis, the #3 team)
Stanford         12-4
    Somehow a decision was made that the top 4 teams need play a single
elim playoff.  This was all the worse a decision because it took half
an hour to decide how to determine 4th place.  Finally Stanford announced
that the three 4th place teams would play a 3 team game and the winner
would advance.  The other top teams sat and watched.
    BYU won the match (close scores of approx  BYU 195, UCLA 140, Stanf
135, with BYU answering the final bonus as time ran out).  One could see
from Norm Gillespie's face that he had fun in this novel 3 team format.
    Then the top four played a single-elim play-off.  Vanderbilt and
Berkeley won and played a rematch.  This match came down to the last
question also, a _duplicate_ (Ibsen for the third time).  Congrats are due
to the Vanderbilt team for weathering the weekend and wresting back the
Cardinal Classic championship from Berkeley.  The top players were:
David Farris   Edison HS  74-15   47.5 pts/rnd
Pat Friel      UCLA       58-3    40.4
Norm Gillespie BYU        60-11   38.9
Richard Mason  Caltech    57-18   34.3
Grunties       Vanderbilt 49-4    33.6
Brad Harris    Stanford   57-21   33.2
Phil Huang     Berkeley   48-3    33.2
  Eric         UC Davis   52-15   31.8
    Clint      Bowling Gr 49-9    31.8
Nick Meyer     Berkeley   44-9    28.2
(Thanks to Eric H. from Carleton who sent in this report)  Fifteen teams
played at Wisconsin this year.  Format was untimed games, full
round-robin.  In attendence were Beloit, Carleton A & B, Chicago A, B & C,
Illinois, Michigan State, Minnesota A & B, Northwestern, St. Olaf, Western
Michigan, Wichita State, and Wisconsin.  After the round robin, the top
four teams proceeded to single elimination playoffs, 1 vs. 4 and 2 vs. 3.
The playoff teams were
Chicago A (14-0)
Minnesota A (13-1 or 12-2?)
Carleton A (12-2 or 11-3?)
St. Olaf (10-4 or 9-5?).
In the semifinals Chicago A defeated St. Olaf and Minnesota A defeated
Carleton A.  Then in the finals Chicago defeated Minnesota
     The four person all-star team was, in order, John Sheahan of Chicago
A, Emily Pike of Carleton A, Steve Wang of Chicago B, and Adam Melaman of
St. Olaf.
                     BUZZER INFO  SHORT LIST
    The ACF has negotiated a special discount with several manufacturers
of electronic lock-out buzzers.  To obtain the discount, merely contact
the company and say you read about them in the ACF Newsletter, or from me,
Gaius Stern.  Prior newsletters have a more full description of each
system.  This is meant only as a short guide.  "Console" means one has to
look at the consoles to see who buzzed in, i.e. no individual player
lights. Lights indicate a light in front of each player.
               most common model         price      contact:
Electromatic   10 player, console        $375       612-781-9588
Judge          is the suitcase
Groupies       8 players, console        $199.99    888-497-2637
Logitek        8 players w/lights        $650       800-231-5870
               12 players, console       $390
Creative Elec  12 players, console       $495       513-426-1506
Quizwizard     tells who was 1,2,3rd
Shelty Systems  8 players, console       $260
Specialty Design   8 players w/lights    $489/$441    800-284-6377
Quik-Pro          12 players w/lights    $618/$557
Univ. Research
Quizamatic      OUT OF BUSINESS (someone please tell Peter from Fresno)
Zeecraft       8 players, lights          $399        800-662-7475
              10 players, lights          $465
When calling, ALWAYS mention that you read about this product in the ACF
Newsletter put out by Gaius Stern.  The Judge, Quizwizard, and Quik-Pro
will give a discount, and the prices listed for Groupies and Shelty might
be some sort of special offer to newsletter subscribers (?).
                       ACF REGIONALS INFORMATION
    ACF Regionals will be held at six sites this year.  Five sites will
run on the weekend of Feb. 28-Mar 1,  as usual the West Coast is behind
the times and will run one week later.  If you have any questions about
ACF Regionals, contact the host nearest you from the list below:
Mid-Atlantic   Maryland        Adam Fine (
Midwest        Illinois   Vishnu Jejjala (
Northeast      MIT             Peter McCorquodale (
Southeast      Georgia Tech    Jim Dendy (
Southwest      Texas A&M       Candace Benefiel (
West           Berkeley        Gaius Stern (
   ACF is always eager to help new teams get onto the circuit.  If you
have any questions about ACF, please write either to Jim Dendy or to me.
This year ACF Nationals will be held at Illinois in April.
   The Berkeley club woudl like to remind likely participants that we will
give a $20 discount for pre-paying by mail if sent by 24 Feb, and a $10
discount if sent by 1 March.
    The new club at UCLA will be running a college torunament on April 5
(probably Saturday all day, only).  For more information please conatct
Asmin "Oz" Pathare at <>.  UCLA encourages multiple
teams from the same school.  More information will be available soon.
    On Saturday Mar. 8, 1997, upon the successful conclusion of the
Academic Competitions Foundation Western Regional Tournament at Berkeley
(and an hour break for dinner), the Un-Academic Competitions Foundation
(UCF)  will host the first Una-Buzzer Open.
   The Una-Buzzer is a "trash tourney", but it is a trash tourney with
standards.  Question Distribution Standards to be precise.   All games
will have 20 TUs and play is untimed.
   The tournament director will be David Levinson (
Please note, David does not plan to edit the games, only to xerox them in
advance.  Players on a BYE round may be asked to help out.  Volunteers are
welcome, and teams may be formed from more than one academic institution.
If you wish to submit a round (and reduce your entry fee to almost
nothing, by so doing), please contact David before the end of the month.
A charge for teams who do not submit may be created to encourage
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