
2014-15 About

The UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium provides undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals the opportunity to share exceptional sociological work from different disciplines. By inviting students and professionals to present their work, the Symposium seeks to create a greater sense of community among sociological scholars.

We encourage independent research at all levels, but prioritize undergraduate work. In fact, the Symposium aims to give researchers a forum, here at UC Berkeley, to present their data and findings. We especially want to encourage undergraduate and graduate students in varying disciplines who produce quality, pre-professional sociologically imaginative papers that might otherwise fly under the radar.

We invite presenters from a wide-range of academic interests to share their research on sociological topics.

For information on past Symposiums, presenters, and topics check out our Symposium ArchiveAnd of course, don’t hesitate to contact us for any comments or questions.

Our 2016 Sociological Research Symposium was generously sponsored by:


Study Pool

  • The Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC)
  • The Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
  • UC Berkeley Student Affairs Student Opporunity Fund – Co-Curricular Opportunities
  • Alpha Kappa Delta
    • Funding for this symposium was made possible [in part] by a Sociological Research Grant from Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society. The views expressed in written symposium materials and by speakers and presenters do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of Alpha Kappa Delta; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by Alpha Kappa Delta.