Steve and Alice - August 14, 2004

Steve and Alice
August 14, 2004

So, what is a commitment celebration, anyway?

Glad you asked! As the name suggests, we are planning for it to be a celebration of our committing to each other. It will be a chance to have those people who are close to us, and who have supported us throughout our lives, present. We want this to be an opportunity to thank you all for the support you have given, and ask for your good wishes as we go into the future. Lastly, this event will serve as a moment to mark our dedication to one another, and our dedication to sharing the rest of our lives together.

We've heard through the grapevine that these are sentiments that people traditionally celebrate in weddings, but we're not using that term because it implies a legal marriage. (If you want to know why it is that we aren't getting legally married, ask us and we can give you the (kind of long) explanations. The condensed rendering is that we would feel personally uncomfortable participating in the current institution of marriage, because of the restrictions placed upon who may choose to partake of it.)

The setup of the celebration will be less structured than most traditional ceremonies, and will follow a schedule similar to this (tentative) one:

If you still have questions, please ask us about them! We will update this page with any changes to this information, but are going to keep it pretty general, so let us know if you have any specific questions.

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Updated 4.25.04