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..and Full Color



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Old Diary Entries


Arrow The Website for 'evolution'


...has been fully launched. A few things have been uploaded, including information about my new song and a movie clip of me during the press conference, so check it out. (^-^)/

End of repoooorrrrt!

Arrow It's Been a While!!


Well... Now that I think of it, I haven't been writing in this diary lately... (*-*)
'Miyabi' seems to have been shipped out without any problems (the normal version), and I've finished recording for JAM, so I'm taking this temporary pause in activity to relax.
Another typhoon seems to be coming, isn't it.
There was also an earthquake around Kansai. I called my mother on the phone, but our connection was severed, so I was worried about her. And about my friends...
But it seems that nothing serious happened, which is more important than anything else.

Also check out Anime-shi magazine, out on sale of Sept. 10!
Look in the media corner for more details.


Website copyright © 2002-2008Teresa Ko. This website's maintainer has no affiliation to KING RECORDS, MaBIC, evolution, Geneon Entertainment, etc. Please direct any legal issues to the website maintainer.