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Lyrics and Translation


JAM Project Press Conference Report Special Article

~The following article was featured on the official website of the anime series Scrapped Princess. The original article is located here. Original Japanese text and pictures are property of Translation into English by Teresa Ko.~

Here is the group responsible for the opening theme 'Little Wing', anime-industry super unit JAM Project!!
In this installment, we report on the details of press conference that took place a few days ago!!
Representing the JAM Project were Hironobu Kageyama-san and new member Yoshiki Fukuyama-san! Also, another new member who provided the main vocals for the opening theme, Masami Okui-san!
These three will be giving the inside scoop on the JAM Project, introducing the opening theme and more, so be sure not to miss it!!

Picture property of [Comments from Kageyama-san (photo far-right)]
It's been more than 3 years since the start of JAM, but there are still so many things that we haven't gotten around to doing yet, or that we still want to do, it seems. Beginning from last year, some of us started thinking about recruiting some new members. Around that time, I had the opportunity to appear onstage with Fukuyama-kun for several live concerts, and after we discussed it for a while he agreed to join us, Okui-chan too; when I asked him 'How 'bout it?' he said, 'Oh, if that's all you wanted, then sure!" (laugh) So that was that.

With this new firepower for JAM, we can rise to new heights in harmony and, for example, in writing music and lyrics, as a team we'll be able to challenge each other with our music. This gives up the opportunity to raise the quality of our music, so I feel that we've been able to climb to a new level.

[Comments from Fukuyama-san]
This is Yoshiki Fukuyama. Well, let's see... like Kageyama said, we talked about it on and off while we were doing a few live concerts together, but as time passed the talks became more serious and I quickly signed on.
We were even recording today, and it's really great. Everyone provides powerful lead vocals, and since each member has his or her own unique traits, I think it's very interesting whenever we 6 come together. It's very exhilarating, and I hope that this exhilaration will continue for a long time. Thank you!

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[Comments from Okui-san]
This is Masami Okui. I took a one-year hiatus from anime last year, but this year, I'm celebrating the 10th anniversary of my debut and, since I've received a lot of mail from fans urging me to go back to doing anime, I decided to do it. At just this time I received some correspondence from Kageyama-san. I think that being able to join JAM has been a positive move for me on many levels. I'd like to observe how the other members, with their different styles and ideas, make music and write lyrics for anime.

I hope to do my best with all my might. Thank you!

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[About the Opening Theme ~Kageyama-san~]
This type of music is a first for JAM, so with the arrival of Okui-chan as a new member, I wanted to produce something that, together with her pretty voice, would sound clear and fresh. I kept it in mind that our new challenge was to project the image of the main heroine of the story, Pacifica.

I cried many times while making this song, so it's definitely one I'll never forget. This song is also completely new for JAM sound-wise, as it starts with a bagpipe, which has a sound that hints at soil and wind. I think that's the kind of song it is.

[About the Opening Theme ~Okui-san~]
I had this concept in my head, but it was very difficult to sing so clearly and fluidly, since that isn't something I've been working on lately. (laugh)

Kageyama-san and I wrote the lyrics always with a sense of the great expanse of the Earth in our minds. I wanted to be able to express the great expansiveness of the earth and the wind, so I did my best to sing this song.


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