Fooking Fookers

Sometimes there are people who exist solely for the purpose of making people miserable. Here are some examples:

I have a phone interview with this chinese guy from a wireless company Him: What does the keyword auto do in c? Me: hmmm ah ..hmmm... I do not know. I would look it up the web. (it is really no big deal to look up something on the web. It doesnt test you anything. I have never seen anyone using that keyword before. Trust me. That keyword is rarely used) Him: Is TCP good in wireless? Me: No, because TCP assume packets lost is due to congestion, but in reality it may not be (I am really sure it is right) Him: You have any questions? Me: Is that all?.. I thi... Him: All right then, bye. (and hang up) What kind of interview is that? This interview really test you nothing. I would be happy if people asks more intelligent questions.
I have never had any good experience with the government, Police, DMV, immigration, Post Office, whatsoever. Here is a story of me having a citicenship interview in San Francisco. People were queuing up in front of the immigration building trying to pass the security checkpoint of the immigration building. When it was my turn, I put everything on the tray for scanning. Immigration: What are these things? Can you take it out Me: Oh those are my digital camera and my cell phone. Immigration: Officer XYZ Me: What is the problem? Officer XYZ came pointing at my stuff: THIS is a cell phone and THIS is a camera. That's the problem. Me: Err.. So? Officer: We do not allowed cell phone or camera here Me: Err.. Okay Officer: You need to take this out. I don't care what you do with it. Just bring it outside and come back Me: Err.. Is there a pla... Officer: I can't tell you what to do. Just go Me: Okay...... So I left the building wandering on the street trying to find a place to put my cell phone and camera. They don't even have anything whatsoever (including the web site) saying that I am not allowed to have cell phone or camera. Finally I found a camera shop that let me put my stuff for a couple of hours. I personally don't have a problem with that rule. It is really fine. But look at his attitude. How hard was it to tell me where to go. And I am so sure that if he told me where to go, he will be fired. ... Sigh.. What a fucker... And you cannot complain either. Who knows what happen to your citicenship if you complain about something.
I need to get a card key for one of my ee lab at UCLA. There are plenty of space in the class and everyone are in groups of two. So in order to get a key, I need to talk to this lady. And once again, a typical American customer service .. ME at 3:10pm: Hi, I would like to get a card key for one of my lab session Lady working there: We only issue keys from 1pm to 3pm. You need to come back. Me: Oh okay. How hard is it for you to give a key to me? You are here and I am only 10 minutes late. WTF. Well the story doesn't end here yet Me next day at 2:00pm: Hi I want to get a card key for my lab session Lady: What lab session is that? ME: 152a Lady: You need to be in a group of three ME: Err... Everyone is in a group of two ... Lady: Nope, You have to be in a group of three ME: How can ... Lady: If you have problem finding a partner, go talk to you TA. ME: Okay, I will ask my TA then Well ... You made me come back and now you said shit like this? Everyone have a partner. It doesn't make any sense to break any groups apart. She is really sigh... She only exists just to give your life miserable. Not only that I need to find her at the right time, right place and the right mood too. And I don't even know why she insisted on having a group of three. .... What was her problem?
One day, I took a Greyhound bus to San Diego and I was trying to find a way to get to UCSD. I looked around inside the Greyhound station and found that there was a "Information Booth" nearby, so I went over there to ask. ME: I just got off a Greyhound bus and I am wondering if I can take a local bus to get to UCSD. Lady inside the Greyhound booth: Look, I work at Greyhound. We don't work with local bus here. You should go outside and look. ME: Well, I am just asking you if you happen to know. That's all Lady: Hell no. We don't know ME: Okay, great, thanks Thanks for being so polite, Lady

Written by Terence Tong
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