Pictures Gallery Howto

Assumption: You have a linux or cygwin with perl installed on it
Assumption: You have ImageMagick installed.

Step 1) Download, Untar, iGal

Download IGal from here
Do the usual gunzip and tar xvf

Step 2) Configure Install Path
If you have don't have root access or in cygwin, 
you can install it on your home directory

go to Makefile, change DESTDIR to your destination

go to igal perl script, change libdir to match your destdir
$LIBDIR = "$ENV{'HOME'}/mylinuxroot/usr/local/lib/igal";

Step 3) Configure template
Edit the template to change your gallery style
edit .slide_template.html
edit .index_template.html

Step 4) Install
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Step 5) Upload your pictures in a directory 

Step 6) Shrink your pictures. I shrink it to 600x450
for file in `ls *.jpg`
  echo -n "Converting $file ... "
  convert -scale 600x450 $file.out $file
  mv $file.out file
  echo "done"

Step 7) Make the album with iGal, by typing igal in that pic directory

Step 8) Zip it up if you want to store it somewhere

Step 9) Upload

Written by Terence Tong
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