Interview questions

Tell me one thing that is interesting about you

What can you offer to the program
- think of qualilties needed and support with your experience

Draw one symbol that describe you

Tell me one adjective that describe yourself
- use examples!

What is your strength
- relate your stength to the position, let them know you are qualified

What is your weakness?
- tell one weakness and how you compensate it
- I work too hard is a common answer

What make you special? / unique ?

Tell me one experience that you face a challenge / obstacle
- they are looking for problem solving skills

Tell me one experience that you demostrate leadership skill

Tell me one experience that you have disagreement with coworker
Discribe a strategy dealing with difficult people
- sensitive to others need. Don't say avoid them
- backup: In this situation, I can't base the answer on my current 
experience. Here is how I would find the answer

Why do you want to join this program / job
- say waht attracts you
- don't say "because this is a great program", say why it is great

Introduce yourself
- It's a career move instead of I need more money
- introduce qualifitcation, work habits
- how your friend will describe you
- Bring it all out, since this is the chance. If not, you may not to 
have a chance to mention about stuff that you do

What did you see yourself in five years from now?
- They want to know if you will be happy with that position or stays 
  as long as you find something better
- don't say you want his job, but it's okay to say earn a senior position

What do you know about our company

What type of environment do you like best
- enjoy being a team player if needed, but also working independtly

How do you handle stress?
- read book, exercise, socialise with freidns

Why did you choose your college major?
- thy want to know if you are interested in the field or money. Explain
  why you like it. Besides personal interest, looks for other reason

How do you address or experience where you need angry customer / people / 

What are some qualities people in this position should have?

What do you want to do with your life?

How would you describe your ideal job?

Why do you want to choose this career?

How do you evaluate success?

If you have live your life over, what would you change

What were your favourite class?

What can you offer to our program?
- Relate past experience to current job

How would you improve a yo yo?

How would you sell me this pen?

If you were to invite a party, tell me who you would invite and why
- this is to throw you off balance, to reveal the real you

Tell me a brief philosophy of education

How do your grades are good indication of academic achievements?

What do you own your present success?

Tell me experience most valuable to you and why?

Tell me the most diffcult decision?

Give me a situation in which you failed

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Give me an example of the most creative project you have worked on

What turns you off ? What piss you off?
- make answer short, not to ditch people

What industry besides this one are you looking for?

What do you think is the most difficult part of this job?
- answer truthfully and how you handle it

Describe a recent unpopular decsion you made?

How do you decide what gets top prioity when scheduling task
- example

Describe a time when you set your sights too high

Tell me a situation when you had to fire a friend

What do you like most about working with others? What least?

A customer call in complain about the product trying to get an advantage, what do 
you do?

Which one of your jobs do you like the best? the least? why?
- for best, use one that relate to the job. For least, routine, unpleasant

Describe your strongest communcation skills?
- listening is a communication skill

Think about a large task you organized

Are you creative? Give example
- your ability to look at things in a new way

Do you like routine? Why or why not?
- some routein is fine and necessary

How would your friend describe you?

Would you rather write a report or give it verbally? Why
- state preference, but indicate fine with both

Do you plan to study some more?
- it is inappropriate to stay a year and go to graduate school

Question to ask
- While researching your company, I read that one of your challenges is xxx....How 
do you plan to meet this challenge?
- I am very interested in this position, what is the next step?
- Why do you like working for this company

Written by Terence Tong
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