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general >> psychology >> Should I donate to...
(Message started by: guest on Oct 19th, 2004, 12:21pm)

Title: Should I donate to...
Post by guest on Oct 19th, 2004, 12:21pm

should I donate to this psychology site:


and how much?

Title: Re: Should I donate to...
Post by towr on Oct 19th, 2004, 1:01pm
You could donate some advice, like "don't write 'whit' when you mean with". And on a first glance they need it a lot.. ::)

I'm not sure what you're expecting to hear. Why ask us whether you should donate? I don't any of us know whether you have the money to spare, wether you use the site much which might in some way obligate you, or any relevant facts. If the site is the ultimate advancement for human welfare, then certainly from a utilitarian point of view you should donate, all you can. From a Kantian point of view it's much harder to say what would obligate you to donate.
Either way that's an ethical question which doesn't really have a place in a psychology forum.
If you're just advertising the site, there wasn't really a need to bring it to our attention in this way, you could've just said "here's a good psychology site"..

Title: Re: Should I donate to...
Post by Grimbal on Oct 25th, 2004, 9:10am
Possibly he wants to boost his reference count (how many sites refer to that site).  The post should be deleted.

Title: Re: Should I donate to...
Post by Jesse on Aug 12th, 2005, 2:06am
OMG THAT IS THE FUNNIEST SITE IVE SEEN IN AGES. The pages on sex had me laughing uncontrollably. "learn how to seduce like a professional" LOL LOL LOL

Title: Re: Should I donate to...
Post by towr on Aug 12th, 2005, 3:37am

on 08/12/05 at 02:06:40, Jesse wrote:
"learn how to seduce like a professional"
Wouldn't that mean you come across like a prostitute ;D
If that's the kind of silly thing they're propagating, perhaps I should read more of the site :P

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