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riddles >> general problem-solving / chatting / whatever >> The Little People
(Message started by: alien2 on Nov 5th, 2010, 3:13pm)

Title: The Little People
Post by alien2 on Nov 5th, 2010, 3:13pm
You were in the small Irish town of Rathcullen, County Kerry. You caught a leprechaun no taller than a small child on the fairy mountain Knocknasheega. If ever captured by a human, a leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for his release. It is Brian Connors himself, King of all the leprechauns, with a crown on his head. But King is an intellectual double-dealing gladiator 5000 years old, who might interpret your wishes in a different way. He also might trick you into the 4th wish, saying that he’s a generous man. If you wish a 4th wish, you will lose all of your wishes.  So you have to be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. What would you wish for?

Title: Re: The Little People
Post by towr on Nov 5th, 2010, 3:35pm
[hide]A very good lawyer who is on my side.[/hide]

Title: Re: The Little People
Post by JiNbOtAk on Nov 8th, 2010, 8:26pm
If it was the leprechaun queen, the following is something you shouldn't wish for :

[hide]A huge muscular man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender hands him the beer and says, "You know, I'm not gay but I want to compliment you on your physique, it really is phenomenal! I have a question though, why is your head so small?"

The big guy nods slowly. He's obviously fielded this question many times.

"One day," he begins, "I was hunting when I got lost in the woods. I heard someone crying for help and finally realized that it was coming from a frog sitting next to a stream."

So I picked up the frog and it said, "Kiss me. Kiss me and I will turn into a genie and grant you 3 wishes."

So I looked around to make sure I was alone and gave the frog a kiss. POOF! The frog turned into a beautiful, voluptuous, naked woman.

She said, "You now have 3 wishes."

I looked down at my scrawny 115 pound body and said, "I want a body like Arnold Schwarzenneger."

She nodded, whispered a spell, and POOF! there I was, so huge that I ripped out of my clothes and was standing there naked!

She then asked, "What will be your second wish?"

I looked hungrily at her beautiful body and replied, "I want to make sensuous love with you here by this stream." She nodded, laid down, and beckoned to me. "We then made love for hours!"

Later, as we lay there next to each other, sweating from our glorious lovemaking, she whispered into my ear, "You know, you do have one more wish. What will it be?"

I looked at her and replied, "How about a little head?"


Getting back to your question icey, I'd probably wish for [hide]everything I wish for would come true.[/hide] Though I hv to make sure I control what I say for the rest of my life.

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