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riddles >> putnam exam (pure math) >> Constant Norm
(Message started by: william wu on Feb 8th, 2006, 8:44pm)

Title: Constant Norm
Post by william wu on Feb 8th, 2006, 8:44pm
Consider the matrix differential equation

x' = A x

where x is a state vector in Rn, x' is the derivative of that vector with respect to time, and A is an n-by-n matrix. Find conditions on A which guarantee that the Euclidean norm || x ||2 remains constant.

Source: Stephen Boyd, Stanford EE Quals 2006

Title: Re: Constant Norm
Post by Eigenray on Feb 8th, 2006, 9:50pm
o(n)?  (That is, the [hide]Lie algebra of O(n)[/hide], i.e., [hide]skew-symmetric[/hide] matrices.)

Title: Re: Constant Norm
Post by towr on Feb 9th, 2006, 12:50am
Which norm is that? ||x||2 (i.e euclidean distance?)

Title: Re: Constant Norm
Post by william wu on Feb 9th, 2006, 1:21am
Yes sorry, Euclidean norm.

That's right Eigenray. I thought it was a cute result :)

Title: Re: Constant Norm
Post by Eigenray on Feb 9th, 2006, 9:14am
To elaborate, we have
x(s) = esAx,
so we want esA to be orthonormal for all s, which is precisely the statement that A is in the Lie algebra o(n) associated to the Lie group O(n).

esA is orthonormal when
I = (esA)t esA = esA^t esA.
Differentiating wrt s, and since At commutes with eA^t, we have
esA^t (At+A) esA = 0,
and so we find At+A = 0.  For sufficiency, run the argument backwards, or just note that eA is clearly orthonormal when At = -A: since A and -A commute,
(esA)t esA = e-sAesA = eO = I.

By the same argument, if we had x in Cn, we'd want A to be in u(n), the Lie algebra of U(n), i.e., skew-Hermitian.

Title: Re: Constant Norm
Post by william wu on Feb 10th, 2006, 2:48am
Another way:

- Want || x || to be constant, so, the derivative of ||x|| with respect to time should be zero. That is,

0 = (d/dt) [ || x || ] = (d/dt) [ sqrt( xT x ) ]

- Just throw away the square root. Thus we need

0 = (d/dt) [ xT x ]
= 2 xT x'
= 2 xT A x

So 0 = xT A x.  

- Recall  xT A x = xT ((A + AT)/2) x. So when A = -AT, the quadratic form is zero.

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